Dr. Colin Pritchard, Co-director of the Genetics and Solid Tumors Laboratory
Dr. Jay Shendure, Director, Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine
Afternoon sessions will be live-streamed. To watch presentations, please click this link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/414835950 (a previous link was incorrect).
schedule and registration
The symposium will take place on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 from 9a to 7p at the UW South Lake Union Campus in Orin Smith and Brotman Auditoriums, Building D. Coffee, lunch, and snacks will be provided, followed by a happy hour and poster session.
Please register for the event by January 15, 2019.
Brotman Auditorium, Building D
Orin Smith Auditorium, Building C
Shuttle, bus, and parking information can be found here.
The symposium is supported by the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine and a generous donation by Illumina.
For more information, please contact
Olivia Kosterlitz or Elisa Wong at dms.symposium@gmail.com